

It is not often we hear the words “God” and “math” spoken in the same sentence. It is even more rare that people make a connection between God and math at all. However, when God designed the universe, He designed math along with it. The Math with Mrs. Brown integrated math books are free and provide unique lessons inspired by the Word of God. These lessons illustrate to us the importance of the relationship between God and math. The language of science is mathematics and God created mathematics to help us understand the scientific principles by which He governs the universe. The names used in this book are the names of real people and students who have inspired me over the decades I have taught. I would like to thank them as well. I would also like to thank my son Mosley Brown for making these entire integrated math books possible. He alone did all the typing and editing; his dedication inspired me to press on. Without Mosley I could not have completed what I started. We must thank God for making any of this possible. We believe these books, only by God’s grace, will better lives on this earth. We hope you enjoy these Math with Mrs. Brown integrated math books as much as we enjoyed creating them! -Mrs. Judy Brown



The Math with Mrs. Brown integrated math books included are: - General Math - Pre-Algebra - Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Geometry and Trigonometry - Pre-Calculus and Calculus. Each integrated math book includes eight modules, which are made up of the following components: 1. Guided notes the student will follow along with and complete 2. Video lessons that go along with the guided notes to assist the student 3. Practice problems to complete after each lesson 4. Step by step solution videos to explain the practice problems. The guided notes, video lessons, and video solutions work together to meet the individual needs of each student. The collective provides the student with a unique learning experience that prepares them for real-world math in a very practical way by engaging all three learning modalities: hearing, seeing, and doing. The unique aspects of this curriculum include (but are not limited to) the following: 1. Biblical worldview lessons as they relate to math concepts 2. History integration throughout the text and videos 3. Art projects and science experiments in various modules 4. Academic rigor 5. Accommodation and modifications for individual learning styles 6. Daily teacher instruction through videos 7. Conversational style instruction 8. Sequential learning style that builds upon prior knowledge.

Instructions for Use

Instructions for Use

At the heart of the Math with Mrs. Brown integrated math books are 94 video lessons and 96 solution videos for a total of 190 videos that make up each book. Each presents the student with concepts and examples to facilitate learning the material. Included in the videos are step by step experiments done by students to demonstrate the process the student will be using. The Math with Mrs. Brown integrated math books include eight modules, which can be completed in one school year. Each module consists of fifteen sections for the student to master. The text is written in chronological order. For example, Section 1 of Module 1 is labeled 1.1, and so on. The first thirteen sections of each module contain conceptual math problems. Section 14 is the Module Review and Section 15 is the Module Test. Each module takes approximately three weeks to complete. The entire book can be completed in approximately thirty-six weeks. Each section of the lesson notes video begins with a Looking Back section. This is a review of prior knowledge from previous material covered. This is followed by a Looking Ahead section that introduces new material. The student will complete the examples in their book during the video instructions. The videos can be paused at any time so that the student can go back and review any parts as necessary. After completing the lesson note video, the student will complete the practice problems in their book for the section. The student can check their answers using the solution video, which shows the steps to completing problems and includes feedback, such as common mistakes and further explanation of the more difficult problems.